The Chipmunks sang, All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth .

In Love Actually they sang, All I want for Christmas is You .

We asked members of the congregation what they would like for Christmas.

Georgie: A hot water bottle cover, preferably dark blue velvet, to replace one now worn out πŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›Œ

Josh Mock: All I want for Christmas is toast because I have not had a toaster for 3 months and I miss it a lot

(Josh is studying in Jordan at the moment)


Sean: Some fingerless gloves because I am sitting outside a lot and full gloves make using your fingers such a fiddle

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Lizzie: Some new gloves would be nice but what I’d really like is for my sister to have a clean bill of health. 

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Ida and Lydian: To be filled with the holy spirit. Lydian also wanted a hug because those have been in short supply during lockdown.


Shanon: A green new deal so that the people who will inherit the earth will have something to inherit.


Chris Clarke: A greener Christmas and a pear tree I can do without the Partridge.


Anthony: An electric bicycle in case the one I have proves to be no good.

Trisha: A headline saying Nazanin is home because she should be.


Asparagus season to be a little longer because I will not buy the Peruvian stuff.

The sound of seagulls because we all like to be beside the sea.

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Faye: My family around me; and lots of Christmas songs and music.

πŸŽ„ 🎡🎡🎡🎡 πŸŽ„


A little Schnauzer like Alfie because it would be just lovely to have one.

Mark had some ideas of what the great and the good might want for Christmas:

Her Majesty the Queen: Nothing platinum – I expect to get a lot next year.


Archbishop of Canterbury:    A nice day out on 26th June


(N.B 26 June is the planned re-dedication of St. John’s)

All the Column Inches team want for Christmas is that you all have a

Peaceful and joyous Christmas with those whom you love.

To pull some Christmas Crackers click here

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